Sri Yantra and the Human Physiology Since the Sri Yantra is such an important sacred geometry one wonders if it relates in any way to the human physiology. After doing some research on the web we have found two different sources that mention a field around the body that is similar to the Sri Yantra. Merkaba
Drunvalo's teachings on the Flower of Life are excellent. He has unfolded a whole system of knowledge that is worth looking into. A must if you are interested in sacred geometry. He also teaches a breathing technique that allows one to enliven these fields by rotating them. Drunvalo goes on to say that these fields exists around every living thing. More information on the Merkabah can be found here. For information on the Flower of Life geometry go here. Srî Chakra - Universal Jîva Archetype
On the website a structure referred to as the Sri Chakra which is another common name for the Sri Yantra is mentionned. Here is a short extract from the site:
You can read more one the website here. |